sexta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2011

18 de Fevereiro MachuPicchu

Long Day, we left the Hotel at 5:00am ,got a bus, changed, train, walked arround and back at 8:00pm.
It was great. Such a different beauty. A city that was discovered only in 1911, lost in the hights of the Andes. Lots of astronomicals constructions, like the sun goes thru a specific window only on the day the summer beggins .

From Cusco to MachuPicchu the scenery changes dramatically. From a semi desertic Andean to a Green Luxurian Amazon forest beginning. As a matter of fact the river that we keep traveling at the side is one that forms the Amazon.


Um comentário:

  1. Ma!!!
    Que incrivel!!! Machupicchu é uma das cidades que quero conhecer... depois quero saber como foi estar num lugar tao auspicioso como esse!


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